The next round of Star Raft circle-building training starts on Wednesday, February 7. It repeats every succeeding month (other than December). It's always free, it really works, and it's very easy to join.

Most of us have heard about 'circles of support’, but few of us actually have one in place. We might sense that a strong support circle could help the person we care about make progress towards a good life.

We might also sense that a strong circle could begin to answer every parent’s 3:00 AM question, "Who will be here to look after my loved one after I'm gone?" - but there hasn't been an easy-to-follow 'recipe' for building great circles - at least until now.

The Star Raft is a field-tested method for building and sustaining personal circles of connection, companionship and opportunity one small step at a time, so all one ever needs to do is to take that next small step.

We deliver free Star Raft training in four 90-minute sessions, starting on the first Wednesday of each month.

  • First Wednesday — Gather Your Circle — How to build a Star Raft circle, and the benefits that show up as soon as the first person joins.
  • Second Wednesday — Set a Good Direction — Planning for a good life and valuing both what is 'important-to' the person and what is 'important-for' the person.
  • Third Wednesday — Take the Helm! — Eight creative action strategies for making real progress every time you meet and staying safe in everything you do together.
  • Fourth Wednesday — Stay the Course — The art of hosting vibrant circle meetings, strengthening commitments, sharing the work, and navigating in turbulent times.

If you attend all four sessions, you will learn the whole Star Raft method and end up with a complete set of tools in your toolbox — a set of practical steps that you can start using right away in your day-to-day life as a family, building enduring circles of support, facilitating person-centered planning, or delivering innovative direct supports.

Each session  presented on its given Wednesday from 2:00 - 3:30 PM Eastern Time - that's 1:00 PM Central Time, 12:00 noon Mountain Time, 11:00 AM Pacific Time, and 1900 GMT for worldwide visitors.

Once you register, we'll send you a reminder on the Tuesday before each session, and we'll send you a personal Zoom link an hour before each session starts on its Wednesday morning.

Register now for next month's series!

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